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Серия Желе/Пудинг
Instant Jelly Application

Instant Jelly Application

The product uses natural extracted carrageenan, agar agar and konjac flour, etc. as the main raw materials. By scientific extraction and blending, the solution is easy to operate. It can be used in producing pudding with different textures like crisp, tender or soft elastic, etc.

Product Description

The product uses natural extracted carrageenan, agar agar and konjac flour, etc. as the main raw materials. By scientific extraction and blending, the solution is easy to operate.

It can be used in producing pudding with different textures like crisp, tender or soft elastic, etc.

Main Features

●good commonality

●good water retention

high cost performance

●can adjust acid in 80 Celsius

can protect protein from denaturation

pudding powder

The picture is pudding powder.


Instant Jelly:

●Good brewing and dispersion
soluble in water
Tender texture

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сопутствующие товары
Classic pudding
Пудинг серии
The product uses natural extracted carrageenan, agar agar and konjac flour, etc. as the main raw materials. By scientific extraction and blending, the solution is easy to operate. It can be used in producing pudding with different textures like crisp, tender or soft elastic, etc.
Crunchy konjac jelly
желе из конжака
The product uses natural extracted carrageenan, agar agar and konjac flour, etc. as the main raw materials. By scientific extraction and blending, the solution is easy to operate. It can be used in producing pudding with different textures like crisp, tender or soft elastic, etc.
Instant Pudding
Instant Pudding Applications
The product uses natural extracted carrageenan, agar agar and konjac flour, etc. as the main raw materials. By scientific extraction and blending, the solution is easy to operate. It can be used in producing pudding with different textures like crisp, tender or soft elastic, etc.
Mandarin segments in jelly
Фрукты в желе
The product uses natural extracted carrageenan, agar agar and konjac flour, etc. as the main raw materials. By scientific extraction and blending, the solution is easy to operate. It can be used in producing pudding with different textures like crisp, tender or soft elastic, etc.
0 konjac jelly
Классическое Желе
The product uses natural extracted carrageenan, agar agar and konjac flour, etc. as the main raw materials. By scientific extraction and blending, the solution is easy to operate. It can be used in producing pudding with different textures like crisp, tender or soft elastic, etc.
Jelly in Diverse Looks Applications
The product uses natural extracted carrageenan, agar agar and konjac flour, etc. as the main raw materials. By scientific extraction and blending, the solution is easy to operate. It can be used in producing pudding with different textures like crisp, tender or soft elastic, etc.
Instant Jelly Application
Instant Jelly Application
The product uses natural extracted carrageenan, agar agar and konjac flour, etc. as the main raw materials. By scientific extraction and blending, the solution is easy to operate. It can be used in producing pudding with different textures like crisp, tender or soft elastic, etc.

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