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Серия мягких конфет
Cristal Sweet Potato Soft Candy Application

Cristal Sweet Potato Soft Candy Application

The product is mainly composed of konjac, carrageenan and other natural colloids with synergistic effect, with high viscosity, high cost performance and is heat irreversible.Can increase product elasticity, chewiness, improve whiteness and brightness, cookability, freeze-thaw resistance and inhibit starch retrogradation; after freezing, the product becomes significantly more brittle, improves quality, and reduces costs.

Product Description

The product is mainly composed of konjac, carrageenan and other natural colloids with synergistic effect, with high viscosity, high cost performance and is heat irreversible.

Can increase product elasticity, chewiness, improve whiteness and brightness, cookability, freeze-thaw resistance and inhibit starch retrogradation; after freezing, the product becomes significantly more brittle, improves quality, and reduces costs.

Main Features


high viscosity

heat irreversible

high cost performance

freeze-thaw resistance

increase product elasticity

increase product chewiness

inhibit starch retrogradation

improve whiteness and brightness
becomes significantly more brittle after freezing

●solve the problem of water loss during the cooking process of ball products

Meatball/fishball powder

The picture is Meatball/fishball powder.


Cristal Sweet Potato Soft Candy Application:

Using real sweet potato and purple potato flesh

Suitable for a variety of consumption scene

Cost-effective applications

The texture is chewy and not sticky to teeth

Can be applied to fruit and vegetable-neutral products with high flesh content

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Cristal Sweet Potato Soft Candy Application
Cristal Sweet Potato Soft Candy Application
The product is mainly composed of konjac, carrageenan and other natural colloids with synergistic effect, with high viscosity, high cost performance and is heat irreversible.Can increase product elasticity, chewiness, improve whiteness and brightness, cookability, freeze-thaw resistance and inhibit starch retrogradation; after freezing, the product becomes significantly more brittle, improves quality, and reduces costs.

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