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Green Fresh Wish You: Happy Children's Day!

Jun 03, 2024

Green Fresh Wish You: Happy Children's Day!

My memory goes back to the summer of elementary school...

Little boys and girls will become the happiest humans in the world on childrens day! 

(Although it is cruel to say this, children should still eat less snacks)

I only need to do two things on Childrens day: one is play, another is eat. 

In my memory, we are looking forward to getting the snack gift package sent by the school~ And playing some games with good friends. This happiness will last in my memory for a long time.

Green Fresh, is a supplier of hydrocolloids, which are used for many snacks, such as soft candy, jelly, meat products, baking products...

At other words, we are the provider of happiness! Lets see confectionary solutions from Green Fresh~ 

In this festival, I will pass on happiness to you!

Gelatin heat resistance improvement Solutions

Product features

· Texture is elastic and has good bite-off properties

· Product moisture content is 22%,

has good shape retention

· Temperature resistance is above 45°C, 

suitable for iron molds,

starch mold production lines

Real material series

· No pigment added to the product

· Lutein esters and blueberry juice added

· Real blueberry dried fruit added to each candy

· Texture characteristics, product pH at 3.0

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Наши часы

Пн, 21 ноября - Ср, 23 ноября: с 9:00 до 20:00.
Чт, 24 ноября: закрыто - С Днем Благодарения!
Пт, 25 ноября: с 8:00 до 22:00
Сб 26.11 - Вс 27.11: 10:00 - 21:00
(все часы указаны по восточному времени)

С понедельника, 21 ноября, по среду, 23 ноября: с 9:00 до 19:00.
Четверг, 24 ноября: Serated
Пятница, 25 ноября: с 9:00 до 22:00.
С субботы, 26 ноября, по воскресенье, 27 ноября: с 10:00 до 19:00.
(восточное время) Мы доступны 6 дней в неделю



